Tuesday 19 January 2010


Cynophobia - fear of dogs

I think it's a pretty common fear really, though usually irrational, as people who have cynophobia often have never hada bad encounter with a dog. It affects me, and guess what - my boyfriend recently got a dog! Not just any dog, a German Shepherd, and they're pretty scary!

One of my goals this year is to overcome my fear of dogs, which I am in the process of doing already. I went round to my boyfriend's house and spent time with him and the dog, and it was ok, so I'm getting better.

Thursday 14 January 2010

A plan!

Last night, I was struck with more inspiration...this time not for my writing, but for a valentines idea for my boyfriend!

I always try to do something creative for things such as advent, christmas, birthdays, valentines day, anniveraries etc, and this is our second valentines day together, so I want it to be even better than last year.

The best thing to do, I thought would be something based on his interests, which currently, like most teenage boys, is COD (or call of duty, an xbox game, to the rest of us)

My brain started buzzing, working away at how I could somehow relate my romantic surprise to the shooting action of COD... The game is made up of missions... I could create my own missions under the same names, and when he completes "the game" there will be a prize/present (haven't decided what yet).

The details haven't been thought of yet, but I have a little while to think...so wish me luck!

Wednesday 13 January 2010


Facebook, isn't it a brilliant idea? A way to keep in contact with friends? A way to waste hours and hours of every single day.

Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a facebook addict, I can't deny it. As soon as I'm home from college, I switch on my laptop, and it's facebook time, for the whole evening, other than dinner, and usually, eastenders.

What do I do on facebook for all these hours? I can't really answer that, the hours just disappear. I will confess that I play several games on Facebook: happy pets, happy aquarium, happy island, farmville, and more recently island paradise. Another one I used to use was cafe world, but I've gone off that one now.

The principle is the same for all of them really, happy island consists of running a virtual island - building things and picking up the litter. Happy pets' aim is to look after animals - cats, dogs and hamsters, mate them, feed them, clean their litter trays and stroke them. I guess you get the point now - they are all the same, but oh so addictive.

Anyway, I had better be off, I have some cabbages to harvest on my island paradise ;)

Exams are over, so it's time to write!

After three hours of exams today, I can say I have done my first modules of my AS levels! Whether I pass or not however, is a different matter, but there's no point in worrying about that yet, not until the results come out in March.

It's been snowing again most of the day, not heavy snow, just tiny little snow flakes. Nonetheless, it's snow, in London, again!

I've been looking at other people's blogs on here, and I wonder how they do it...how do they write so many interesting things? How do they get so many readers? Don't ask me, I sure don't have the answer, yet.

Now to the main point of this post: exams are over, which means I can start focusing my attention on my writing, which I haven't done for a long time, because to be honest I've had a lot going on in my life.

I seem to include a picture in most of my posts, usually relating to the topic, but why not, today it's just a picture of my favourite animals - elephants, and here they look very cute :)

Aren't they cute? Aww...perfect for the romantic mood I'm in at the moment ♥

Tuesday 12 January 2010


Don't you just love those times? When you randomly get the inspiration you've been waiting for, for so long! I love the feeling, it makes you want to stop whatever else you're doing - in my case revision, and take advantage of the inspiration - in my case, a theme for a book I want to write.
Inspiration comes in many forms, and sadly, usually at the wrong time, it is said (though I don't know how true it is) that J.K.Rowling first had her inspiration for Harry Potter on a train, and had to write down her ideas on a paper napkin so as not to forget them.
Where would we be without Hermione, Ron and Harry? My childhood certainly would have been different without the hours I've spent reading all 7 books, watching the films and daydreaming about what it would be like to go to Hogwarts. J.K.Rowling is certainly an inspiration for me, and I'm sure a lot of others.
Now, I've spent valuable revision time on my inspiration of the day, and on this post so I guess I had beter get back to it, with two potentially life changing exams tomorrow, so off I go.

My ray of sushine ♥

I didn't think it would be long until I wrote a post about MY ray of sunshine, and it certainly hasn't been.

I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and a half (a year and 7 months tomorrow!) and today I realised just how in love we still are. Once he got to my house after his exam, we spent nearly the whole day cuddling, and I don't remember the last time I've been this happy.

I know I'm only 16, and some people will say it's not going to last, but we have been through a lot together in the last 2 years, and are sickeningly in love, it's fantastic!

It's amazing having someone so special and loyal in my life, and I know many other people feel the same about their boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.

Sometimes, you just need a little reminding about the love in the relationship, because it's still there even if you can't always see it :)

Monday 11 January 2010

Snow, a start to 2010

2010 started in a way that a year has never started for me - with "snow days" in the first week back at school, and now, a week later, there is still snow on the ground. On the outskirts of London, there is usually very little snow, yet now we have more snow that we have had since I can remember.

Is there anything better than the soft crunch of snow beneath your feet on a white winter's day? Sometimes there is, being curled up inside with the one you love, I think that beats it :)

Despite always wishing for snow, and loving it, it has now become a bit of a pain; schools have been shut, which normally is a good thing, but this week there are exams which still have to be done. And the other problem, one which causes much embarrassment - how slippery ice is!

Anyway, enough of my snowy ramblings...

Here is a poem I wrote, about footprints in the snow, not really a happy one, but here it is...

A winter’s walk

Softly padding through the snow,
As the wind whistles through the trees,
A glow of the winter sun warms her back,
As she walks on, leaving footprints behind her,

She does not look back to the warm place she has left,
Just walks onwards at a steady pace,
She sees the icicles glisten on the trees,
But not a fraction of a smile comes to her face,

A little red robin tweets his song,
But flies away at the sound of her footsteps,
Leaving her alone again, all alone,
With nowhere to go and nowhere to be

What do you think of the snow? Do you even have snow where you live at the moment?
And can you offer any comments on my poem, good or bad, I don't mind :)


This is my first attempt at writing a blog, I thought it would be a useful, and maybe even fun thing to do, especially as I want to be a writer one day, hopefully.

My name is Katie Jane, and I am 16 years old. I'm currently studying english lit/lang, spanish, economics and psychology at as level at college, and I've just done my first exam today - english.

So that's me introduced, now all I have to do is write some interesting posts, and hopefully someone might read it.

I'll get writing that next post now,
So until sometime soon, bye!