Monday 11 January 2010

Snow, a start to 2010

2010 started in a way that a year has never started for me - with "snow days" in the first week back at school, and now, a week later, there is still snow on the ground. On the outskirts of London, there is usually very little snow, yet now we have more snow that we have had since I can remember.

Is there anything better than the soft crunch of snow beneath your feet on a white winter's day? Sometimes there is, being curled up inside with the one you love, I think that beats it :)

Despite always wishing for snow, and loving it, it has now become a bit of a pain; schools have been shut, which normally is a good thing, but this week there are exams which still have to be done. And the other problem, one which causes much embarrassment - how slippery ice is!

Anyway, enough of my snowy ramblings...

Here is a poem I wrote, about footprints in the snow, not really a happy one, but here it is...

A winter’s walk

Softly padding through the snow,
As the wind whistles through the trees,
A glow of the winter sun warms her back,
As she walks on, leaving footprints behind her,

She does not look back to the warm place she has left,
Just walks onwards at a steady pace,
She sees the icicles glisten on the trees,
But not a fraction of a smile comes to her face,

A little red robin tweets his song,
But flies away at the sound of her footsteps,
Leaving her alone again, all alone,
With nowhere to go and nowhere to be

What do you think of the snow? Do you even have snow where you live at the moment?
And can you offer any comments on my poem, good or bad, I don't mind :)

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